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4 . 소아마비 교정

I can cure Mila completely without any side effects and pain

I can cure Mila completely without any side effects and pain


< root cause>

Foot turns inward -->

① Leg muscles are limited, so the legs do not go forward + The muscles of the back of the legs are pulled, and the heel is moxa

② Tilting the pelvis-> Bending the spinal column -> Bent the neck-> Pressing the vertebral artery to the brain -> Glucose and oxygen supply to the brain is limited -> Poor gene replication -> Poor lysosome -> No brain debris discharge -> Baton disease

③ The neck is bent --> cerebrospinal fluid that cleans the brain does not flow properly --> Baton's disease

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< treatment method >

Turn foot outward --> Fully normal walking + Baton disease disappears forever

* Treatment period 3 years, correction once every 3 days, 200 dollar + material cost

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Changhyun Kim, South Korea
